Bentonite seminar on Tuesday 20.8.2024 by SAGE project.
Presentations can be downloaded here.
Webinar: “Empowering communities: How to ensure resident engagement when planning SMRs for district heating” arranged by the SMRSiMa project on 12.1.2024 presentations:
- SMRSiMa webinar 12012024 program
- Roadmap for societal engagement for SMRs_Nadja Gotcheva_SMRSiMa webinar 12JAN2024
- Lakaniemi_Experiences with nuclear facilities
- Kojo Tornberg SMRSiMA webinaari 12.1.2024 final
The Framework Plan has been published
The Framework Plan of the SAFER2028 Research Programme has been officially published in the Publications of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment series.
The permanent address of the publication is
SAFER2028 Framework Plan Seminar 9.6.2022, 09:00-16:00
Programme of the seminar (click the title to see the presentations):
9:00 Opening, Liisa Heikinheimo (MEAE)
9:15 Framework Plan, Tomi Routamo (STUK)
10:00 SAFER2028 Research Programme – what is new?, Suvi Karvonen (VTT)
10:30 Break
11:00 DENSE – Doctoral Education Network, Jarmo Ala-Heikkilä (Aalto)
11:20 Q&A Session on Call for 2023, Suvi Karvonen (VTT)
11:40 Lunch
13:00 Parallel sessions for thematic areas (detailed agendas):
A: Overall Safety and Society, Jan-Erik Holmberg (STUK)
B: Reactor Safety and Fuel, Antti Tarkiainen (TVO)
C: Nuclear Waste Management, Ville Koskinen (STUK)
D: Mechanical and Structural Integrity of NPP’s, Timo Kukkola (TVO)
For each session, a 15 min introduction to the research area by the chair
followed by an opportunity to pitch research project ideas to end users.
Break at ~14:30.
16:00 End of Day
Past events
SAFIR2022 and KYT2022 joint interim seminar 18.-19.3.2021
Programme and Presentations