Doctoral Education Network – DENSE
The Doctoral Education Network under SAFER2028, dubbed as DENSE, invites all doctoral students in the nuclear energy field to participate, regardless of their home organisation and funding source. DENSE acts as an integral part of the SAFER2028 research programme, with funding from the National Nuclear Waste Management Fund VYR.
The funding of DENSE is divided into operational funding, with a strong emphasis on networking and international collaboration, and direct salary funding. The operational funding supports targeted scientific activities, training and networking of all doctoral students in the network.
Further information of the features of the network and funding principles can be found in the Framework Plan Chapter 3 as well as in the DENSE poster that was displayed at SAFIR2022/KYT2022 Final Seminar (see links beside or below).
DENSE news
The DENSE call of autumn 2024 for funding doctoral study activities is open. Call instructions can be found from this link. The deadline is September 13 at 15:00 EEST. Funding decisions will be communicated on September 27 at the latest. (August 19, 2024)
Invitation to the second annual seminar of DENSE (21-22 Aug, 2024, Helsinki) was sent to the mailing list on June 13. The invitation included detailed instructions, a preliminary seminar program, and the registration form. If you are interested in participating but did not receive the e-mail, please contact the coordinator of DENSE. The registration deadline was extended to August 6. (June 13, 2024; updated June 28, 2024)
Announcement: The second annual seminar of DENSE will be held on Wed-Thu 21-22 August, 2024, in Helsinki. Mark the dates in your calendar. The theme of the seminar is “Building a career in nuclear” and its program will be published later. Updates will be posted here and on the DENSE mailing list. (April 9, 2024)
The DENSE call of spring 2024 for funding doctoral study activities is closed. The deadline was February 23 at 15:00 EET. Funding decisions will be communicated on March 7 at the latest. (January 31, 2024) [Update: Funding decisions were communicated to applicants on March 6. Call instructions here. (Mar 6, 2024)]
The second DENSE call for funding doctoral study activities is closed. The deadline was September 15 at 16:00 EEST. Funding decisions will be communicated on Oct 6 at the latest. (August 15, 2023) [Update: Funding decisions were communicated to applicants on Sep 29. (Mar 6, 2024)]
Invitation to the first annual seminar of DENSE was sent to the mailing list on June 16. The invitation included a preliminary seminar program, registration form and instructions. If you are interested in participating but did not receive the e-mail, please contact the coordinator of DENSE. The registration deadline was extended to August 3. (June 16, 2023; updated June 29, 2023)
Announcement: The first annual seminar of DENSE will be held on Mon-Tue 28-29 August, 2023, in Otaniemi, Espoo. Mark the dates in your calendar. The theme of the seminar is “Establishing a researcher network” and its program will be published later. There will be presentations from organizations in the nuclear energy field, by doctoral students in DENSE network, and some keynote speakers. The venue is Aalto Design Factory that recently moved to new premises at Puumiehenkuja 5A. Updates will be posted here and on DENSE mailing list. (May 4, 2023)
First DENSE call for funding doctoral study activities is closed. The deadline was April 17 at 16:00 EEST. Funding decisions will be communicated on May 17 at the latest. (Mar 23, 2023) [Update: Funding decisions were communicated to applicants on May 2-4. (May 8, 2023)]
How to join the DENSE network? (Feb 14, 2023)